Sunday 26 May 2013


Pausing from pondering upon my destination in less than 11 days to remember our U.S. VETERANS and OUR AMERICAN FLAG on this Memorial Day.

More Saga stuff...

12 days left!  That means I'll be packing in 10.  I hope my suitcase doesn't get stolen by some greedy little soul- I state that because it is a cute suitcase... hahahahha!  Well, it is!  Anyway. 
I've got to get my French way of speakin' in mind too... gosh, that means I've got to study- I was going to put that whole sentence in French, but just thought that I'd save that language of love- I can't go rippin' that out just whenever I please- got to be in the mood... ahhh!  Suspenceful!  I've got to get to work now because there will be an officer there that won't know how to act if I don't show up.  ;)  Oh, high-ho good chap.

Wednesday 22 May 2013

The Countdown Saga Continues...

Ahhh... 14 days left before I pack up that lovesomeness luggage of mine!!  And 16 days before I board that air vessel that will transport me to the "old world."  I want to visit some ancient cemeteries!  ;)

Friday 17 May 2013


So, I am about to embark upon, yet another educational maiden voyage in my life... 22 days until I board the ship to the "Old World"- we'll see how this all works out.