Wednesday 19 June 2013

I'm not going to post any more St. Paul's Pictures, there is other stuff to Discuss...

So- on my Birthday, 18 June 2013- we visited, The Old Bailey Court, Scotland Yard, Metropolitan Police Museum, Westminster Abbey, and Hard Rock Cafe for my birthday dinner.  Busy day.  We couldn't take any pictures inside the Old Bailey and a civil case regarding fraud was going on...zzzzzzzzzzzzz- I wanted to fall over in the pew and go to sleep- but the small court room's architecture is amazing- beautiful quarter sewn oak everywhere.  At Scotland Yard- we had a very nice officer come and speak to us- he gave us all kinds of trinkets to take back to the states- the best was a New Scotland Yard Patch.  At the Metropolitan Police Museum we discovered all kinds of history behind every "tool" that our forefathers of police utilized.  One of the items on displayed was Sir Robert Peel's walking cane.
Original Bobbie hat, lantern, and Sir Robert Peel's walking cane
After the Mets Museum we scurried over to Westminster Abbey for the 1700 Evensong Service- and the Alter/Choir Boys Choir sings- it was beautiful and that Cathedral was absolutely stunning.  The West Minster Abbey is where Princess Diana's funeral service was held and where Prince William and Kate were married.  Pictures were not allowed.  So, and my birthday dinner was really good at Hard Rock Cafe of London- it was going to be a 2 hour wait to get seated and nobody wanted to wait to eat- so "the group" of 11 dwindled down to just 4- but that's ok because I got an awesome meal and a pretty rockin' place to sit. 

Loved sitting at this table along side this neon sign

The staff and customers around me are singing "Happy Birthday" to me- I think I'm embarrassed

Subway (Tube Station) ride to Hard Rock Cafe

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