Friday 14 June 2013

The City of London Police...awesome tour!!

So today my friends, I toured The City of London Police!  They are so polite!  They let me right in their break room and began to answer my questions once I showed them my commission card- they opened up like White Water on Memorial Day Weekend!  These officers like working for The City of London rather than the Metropolitan Police for a number of reasons- but mainly because "Mets" are understaffed.  The pay is the same as London P.D. but is a bit more challenging to get hired at London P.D.  These officers were so polite to talk with me and we shared coffee with the Constable.  I can say that this would not happen in the States- we are a lot more guarded with our police stations.  We did get to go upstairs and view "dispatch" where they have the most technically advanced computer systems in the world.  Their cameras can zoom in onto even a sentence in a book that they are reading out on the curb or inside a chain of businesses.

Me and Chief outside The London City Police Station

No- we did not get to see them... they were probably doing something proper, like takin' care of business in the "loo"

Don't you think that I wasn't tempted... sucker!  I like my guns too much; although, the officer's polite manners could almost make me convert over...?  Almost- not really.

Hahahhaha- a picture snapped of the London P.D.'s early days of Self-Defense Training

Hahahha- Chief and I are bladed... our "gun leg" is back- I do that without even thinking about it- well, I don't know what's going on with my left it's looking at Chief's shoe investigating for a more suitable way to position it?  Sometimes I over analyze stuff that doesn't matter... hahhahahha!

Their current uniform- awesome!!  The museum is in the background.

Oh... I found a whole nest of them!!  I began interviewing our constable that was our guide until I saw  this table of 4 behind me- I ended my interview and picked all 4 heads!  It was a glorious- highlighting moment of this trip!

Hahahhaa- they have a bar in their breakroom

Their dispatch- which has the most technically advanced system in the world.

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