Sunday 9 June 2013

We Made It Everbody!!

We arrived here in London.  We traveled all night at approximately 641 mph ground speed, km/h 1031 with a tail speed of 113 mph.  Our altitude was approximately 32,971 feet and at 0036 hours our distance to destination was 3,294 miles- or 5,302 km.  Our distance from orgin was only 922 miles.  So!  At 0500 hours (Missouri- CST) we had 1hr 41 min. left in our flight with 508mph ground speed.  We have 680 more miles to go- so, according to my math testing skills that I acquired from my childhood years as a student attending Pepperdine Elementary:  WORD PROBLEMS!!!  Scary music being played right now in my head.
If a plane leaves the station with 7 hours and 32 minutes left in the flight, what would the time of arrival be if that plane were traveling 508 mph with only 680 miles left for the destination?  Gosh!  I can't even word those right for fun!  Hahahahha!  And I can reveal that it took me 10 minutes to compose that math word problem!  At 0628 hours (MO standard time) we had 0:13 minutes left before arriving in London.  315 mph was the ground speed, 12 mph was the head wind, 21 *F outside temp. *C -6, and 12, 197 feet in altitude, 14 miles distance to destination,  and 4,195 was the distance from orgin which was the ATL airport.  We landed in London at 0651 MO standard time and it was 1158 am London time.
I'm exhausted, but I can sleep tonight... for we're all meeting up at The Marquis Cornwallis pub.  "Pip-Pip!"

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