Saturday 22 June 2013


As I reflect upon the past 16 days, I am really grateful that I got to go on this international educational learning experience- it really hasn't changed my outlook on life, just confirmed most of what I already knew about different areas of the world.

For the most part, the British and Parisians have been very welcoming and well, here's a novel term:  nice.  I was advised by a few of our British tour guides that the Parisians are rude.  I did find one extremely rude waiter in the first night we were in Paris.  If I hadn't been "educated" on the Parisians, especially the waiters- for they are always right, not the customer, I think I would have treated the situation completely differently- that is for sure a true statement!!!  And we only had one rude encounter with British; he was our last tour guide.

Onto the positive:  My absolute favorite activity of this whole "educational experience" was my first night in London... the viewing of, The Phantom of the Opera!  I had never seen that before, nor was I aware of the plot.  Magnificent and well worth the taxi fair and the money spent for the event!  My second fave activity was visiting and communicating with, The London City Police- awesome experience!!  I learned their way of policing and compared it to ours... not all that different- except, they don't carry guns.

Interesting facts:  London is extremely clean!  The street cleaner came by every other day while I was staying in London- the Tube Station (subway) is even clean- nor litter anywhere- and a trashcan is very difficult to locate.  Another aspect that I like about London, as well as Paris- their "loos."  Their bathroom stall doors go all the way to the floor and is a very solid, heavy door- and there are no gaps!  The London Tube Station is quite easy to navigate after 11 days... hahahha!  The British are very helpful.  They are mindful of visitors to their country.  Several British approached us and asked us if we needed their assistance... and, yes, we did need their assistance to get from point A to point B- if we were in an unfamiliar part of the city.  I would visit London again- it was great!

Paris... ahhh, the "city of lights and love."  Well, it is dirty, that is for sure!  Police are a lot more visible, and don't go out at night by yourself.  I like their monuments and museums, but I have been and it was nice, but I'd visit London before Paris.  I got lost at midnight in Paris and it was a worrisome experience because if you do not know the French language- you are left out there on your own.  My favorite activity in Paris was visiting Pere- Lachaise Cemetery- I loved the beautiful landscape and a lot of the architecture of the tombs is stunning.

There were just a few things that "happened-n-paris" that will stay in Paris... but what an overall experience this has been!  I wouldn't have missed it for the world.  Thank you to those that have tuned in for a nightly fire side chat here at "What Happens-n-Paris..."  I hope to read one of your traveling experiences one day.


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